But as I neared 30, I’ve found myself striving for calm. While my early 20s were a time of learning and growth, my late 20s have been a time of acceptance. I made peace with a lot of my past and started to really love and feel content with myself. The Libra in me has really prioritized balance and healthy downtime.
I moved to California, back on the West Coast where my family all resides. The closeness of family has been incredible. In college and living in Florida I could go an entire year without seeing a single blood relative. I’ve reached some milestones in my career but am slowly making plans for my future. I got plans, just you wait. I started volunteering regularly and finding ways to give back to my community. My weekends are way chill now and I stopped partying as hard as I used to. And, I fell in love. I’m in a happy and supportive relationship with my best friend (and yes, I hate myself for how cheesy that sounded).
This site will still center on fitness and philosophy, the core of my passions. But I’m also going to share some more of my passions, including travel, Los Angeles, trying new things, my friends, face masks, feminism, reading, and my boyfriend.
I’m still a work in a progress but I’m ready and excited for this new decade. I searched near and far, but I finally realized that I already had all the tools I needed to love myself. I hope everyone can find that for themselves and truly fathom how POWERFUL you can be when you love and believe in your authentic self.
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